The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) protects employees and applicants who are 40 and over from being treated differently because of their age.
You have worked hard for years, and are more than capable of continuing to learn and grow. But all of a sudden, you are being treated like an "old dog that can't learn new tricks." You didn't ask for this, but RMN can help.
What is Age
According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC):
Discrimination can occur if both the victim and the harasser are more than 40 years old.
An employment policy or practice that applies to everyone, regardless of age, can be illegal if it has a negative impact on applicants or employees age 40 or older and is not based on a reasonable factor other than age.
Age discrimination is illegal, and can include:
Firing or demoting someone because of their age.
Refusing to hire someone because of their age.
Passing an employee over for promotion because of their age.
Making age-related jokes or insults.
How do I know if I need a lawyer?
If you have been let go (or think you will be let go soon), then you should call RMN for a free consultation now. Employers have expensive lawyers that help them cover up their illegal practices. You need an employment attorney that will fight for your rights. You may just have a suspicion that your termination was age related. Or maybe you are tired of all the "jokes" about the old man or old lady in the office. Don't let them get away with it, RMN can help.
How can I afford a lawyer?
We know that hiring a lawyer shortly after you have lost your job may seem financially impossible. The good news is that RMN offers contingency billing so you can pursue justice under the least amount of financial hardship. In contingency billing, we pay all the upfront costs in exchange for a portion of the money we secure for you. If there is no recovery, you pay nothing. It is just another way that we are ATTORNEYS WHO ARE ON YOUR TEAM TM.
Are there important deadlines?
Yes, there are extremely important deadlines you must make or your claim could be lost. The EEOC, PHRC, and Courts all have Statutes of Limitations (SOL) that limit the amount of time you have to bring your claim. In some cases, those deadlines can be as soon as 30 days after the illegal act, though in most situations the SOL is between 6 months and 2 years. Only an experienced attorney can tell you what the SOL on your case is. Don't wait to call, or it may be too late.
How much is my case worth?
There is no simple equation that we can use predict how much your case may be worth. You should not trust an attorney who claims to have one. Every case is unique, and the value of any case can only be determined by actually litigating it in court. Our lawyers can assess your situation and give you potential ranges after in depth investigation, but no one lawyer can tell you what our case is worth until it has been settled or tried.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)
Older Worker's Benefit Protection Act (OWBP)
The Pennsylvania Human Relations Act (PHRA)
Pittsburgh Anti-Discrimination Ordinance
Philadelphia Fair Practices Ordinance
United States District Court
Western District of Pennsylvania
Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Middle District of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
All counties in Pennsylvania, including Allegheny and Philadelphia
Third Circuit Court of Appeals
Pennsylvania Superior Court
Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC)